Drive Your Fleet Forward | Wilmar, Inc.

6 Insightful Benefits of GPS Tracking for Fleet Management

Written by Wilmar, Inc. | 7/28/20 2:30 PM

A global positioning system or GPS generally refers to a navigation system based on the advanced functionality of satellites. The satellites rotate around the earth and are responsible for transmitting signals that help track the exact location of the GPS user.

As customers and clients expect faster services, quicker deliveries, and shipment tracking, it has become imperative for fleet managers to stay ahead of the game. The simple solution to fleet managers that is readily available towards tracking fleet management is the use of the GPS systems.

By implementing the GPS, you will get unprecedented access and control over your entire fleet. Accessing and tracking the fleet is just one of the benefits you can expect to reap from a GPS.

Some of the other benefits include:

1. GPS Provides Route Optimization

A GPS helps managers to have real-time data on the location of every vehicle at any given time. This means that you can choose the route, which is the most fuel-efficient for your cars by sending the ideal routes to your fleet vehicles to avoid delays that are caused by accidents, traffic jams, and construction.

Besides, through tracking you will carefully utilize fleet routing etiquette for neighborhoods and school zones.

2. Reduce Fuel Costs

Fuel costs are one of the highest expenses when it comes to fleet management. Controlling the price of gas is nearly impossible. However, it is not all doom and gloom for you since GPS tracking devices can help you reduce the cost and save you valuable money. The GPS helps you cut down on the money spent on fuel by eliminating:

  • Vehicle idling that may be caused by traffic jams or accidents.
  • Driver speeding.
  • Any unauthorized usage of your vehicles that results in the unnecessary usage of the fuel.

This helps you effectively control and access your fleet drivers at any given time and reduce the fuel cost and channel the money to other useful departments.

3. Improve Safety of Fleet Vehicles

With the implementation of tracking systems in your fleet, you will be assured of the enhanced safety measures brought about by the system. Not only will drivers be more careful when they know they are being monitored, but also you will know where any vehicle is if it needs assistance. Whether it's the engine that has broken down or an emergency, you will be able to send roadside assistance to your driver.

4. Increase Productivity

The GPS tracking system will give the records of what your drivers are doing and track their exact location. This will provide you with the opportunity to track how many hours each driver works and ensure that your drivers are proactive, productive, and will deliver exceptional results since they are being monitored.

5. Reduces Theft

There is nothing that deters thieves from stealing than the fact that they can be traced and eventually prosecuted. If the thieves know that a vehicle has a tracking system, they would rather give up on it and take a chance on another vehicle rather than getting caught.

If you notice the vehicle's route has deviated, you can use the notification alerts and mapping data to help you identify its location and inform the authorities for a quick recovery.

6. Decrease Response Time for Improved Customer Service

Installing a GPS tracking system will reduce downtime when dealing with your clients. This is because you can easily select the vehicle which is closest to the customer's location to provide prompt and responsive services. Remember, a satisfied customer is your best advertisement.

With all these benefits of a GPS, it is impossible to understate the importance of a GPS tracking system. At Wilmar, we want to help you get a better grasp of how your vehicles are performing and find better ways to manage workloads with a comprehensive fleet tracking system. Feel free to talk to us, and we will be more than willing to assist.