Drive Your Fleet Forward | Wilmar, Inc.

How Does Fleet Leasing Work?

Written by Wilmar, Inc. | 3/19/20 2:00 PM

Fleet leasing is an economical, stress-free option to get the vehicles your business needs. The process is a lot like renting a vehicle for yourself, but instead, you are leasing two or more vehicles for your business. 

Fleet leases are great for businesses that rely on vehicles to get business done or any business that offers a company car as a job perk. 

So how does it work? And is it the right choice for your business?

The Leasing Company Will Find the Right Vehicles and Leasing Terms

Working with a company like Wilmar will allow you to choose the vehicles that are right for your business. You can opt to give every employee the same vehicle or mix and match based on their job role. Choose from sedans, small vans, trucks, and even semi-trucks so you can meet the needs of your business.

Next, you'll work out the terms of the lease. Some businesses opt for an open-end lease, in which they have a one-year lease with a  rolling month-to-month contract after that initial period. Other companies choose a closed-end lease, covering a three-year period or more. At the end of the lease, you may have an option to purchase the vehicle. 

You'll want to look closely at the terms of the lease, as some leasing options include the cost of maintenance while others do not.

Some programs even include roadside maintenance, great for getting employees back on the road in case of a breakdown or accident. Know what's covered and what isn't can help you analyze the costs of the available leasing terms and find the one that's the right fit for your budget.

Don't be afraid to negotiate the terms, either. FleetNews recommends going into the negotiations knowing what a successful outcome would look like for you. That might be cheaper monthly payments or included service costs.

Carefully weigh the pros and cons of each option, make your choice, and sign the paperwork. Then the company will deliver the vehicles to your business and your employees can start using them immediately.

Leasing Takes the Stress Out of Fleet Management

One of the best things about fleet leasing is that it removes the burden of fleet management from your to-do list. For business owners, this can really open up internal resources to focus on other tasks that will help to grow the business.

The fleet management company will handle keeping all the paper in order, ensure maintenance and repairs get done in a timely order, and keep all the government-mandated record-keeping up-to-date.

Outsourcing your fleet management can be a lot less expensive than hiring a full-time fleet manager. Business Fleet explains what a fleet manager does and when it might be time to hire on in-house.

Your Business Gets the Benefits

Stress-free fleet maintenance isn't the only big benefit for your business. Leasing also gives businesses a tax break. Additionally, it allows a business to quickly scale its fleet without a massive cash investment.

Paying for a fleet outright takes a huge amount of capital,  putting the business (and its bottom line) at risk. With leasing, a business can get the vehicles it needs without emptying its bank account. 

Business leases are often available at a lower price than advertised leasing rates. Working with a fleet management company can help you get the best deal possible.

Chron Small Business also recommends opting out of services like OnStar that might cost more but which fleet drivers are unlikely to use.

Looking for a company that can help you with fleet leasing? We'll help you find the right vehicles with the right leasing terms and ensure every aspect of your fleet management needs are met.

Let's talk about what your business needs so you can meet your next goal. Get in touch with the Wilmar, Inc. team