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Vehicle Tracking Devices 101: A Guide for Local Businesses

Written by Wilmar, Inc. | 2/20/23 6:21 PM

Vehicle Tracking Devices 101: A Guide for Local Businesses

If you are a business owner, you know how important it is to keep track of your vehicles, especially when managing a fleet. According to Verizon, 32% of GPS tracking users saw a positive ROI in six months or less. The statistics demonstrate how critical it is to keep track of your vehicles, particularly when managing a fleet.

To fully utilize vehicle tracking devices, it is essential to have a clear understanding of their fundamental principles and operations. Here is what you should know.

What is a Vehicle Tracking Device?

A vehicle tracking device is an electronic device that tracks a vehicle's location, speed, and movement using GPS technology.

The device enables fleet managers to get real-time information about their vehicles' location and movements, enhancing security and better vehicle management.

How Do Vehicle Tracking Devices Work?

Vehicle tracking devices use GPS and cellular technology to determine the location of your vehicles. The device sends a signal to the satellite network, which sends the device's location data back.

The data is then sent to a centralized server, where you and your team can access it. You can track your vehicles' movements and monitor their speed, acceleration, and other key metrics.

Types of Vehicle Tracking Devices

  • OBD-II (On-Board Diagnostic) tracking devices: OBD-II devices are the most common vehicle tracking device. They collect data such as vehicle speed, fuel consumption, and fault codes when plugged into a vehicle's OBD-II port.
  • Hardwired tracking devices: Most vehicle owners use these devices to manage their vehicles. They are usually installed by a professional.
  • Magnetic tracking devices are easily installed outside a vehicle and are portable.

The Benefits of Vehicle Tracking Devices

Tracking devices provide numerous advantages to businesses of all sizes. Some of the key benefits include:

Improved Efficiency

Tracking your vehicles in real time will enhance the efficiency of your company. You will find it easy to determine vehicle location and use the information to optimize your routes.

Better Safety and Security

Tracking devices improve the security of your fleets. You can pinpoint your drivers' exact locations and improve their safety. You can then react quickly in an accident or other emergency.

Increased Productivity

Monitoring your vehicles' movements and performance will assist you in identifying areas for improvement. For example, if one of your drivers consistently takes longer than others to complete a route, you can collaborate with them to identify and resolve the problem.

Lower Costs

As a fleet owner, you want to cut fuel, maintenance, and other costs associated with running your fleet. Vehicle tracking will help you to identify areas where you can improve and lower your expenses.

Choosing the Right Vehicle Tracking Device

There are a few key factors to consider when selecting the best vehicle tracking device for your business. Here are a few examples:

  • Real-time tracking: Look for a device that allows you to track your vehicles in real-time so you can see where they are at all times.
  • Ease of use: Look for a device that is simple to use so that you and your team can access the information you require quickly and easily.
  • Integration with other systems: Select a device linked to other systems, such as your fleet management system.
  • Cost: Consider the device's price, including any monthly fees and installation and maintenance costs. 

Secure Your Fleet With a Reliable Tracking Device

Vehicle tracking devices are essential for any business that relies on vehicles to perform its functions. The right tracking tools can help you run your business more efficiently, save money, and keep your drivers safe.

Consider your budget, business requirements, and the most important features when selecting a vehicle tracking device. Contact us to learn more about our services.