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What is a Fleet Vehicle? A Simple Explanation

Posted by Wilmar, Inc.

You've probably heard the term "fleet vehicle" before, but do you really know what it means? Don't feel bad if you're scratching your head trying to figure it out. Fleet vehicles are common, especially for businesses, but the definition isn't always clear.

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Topics: Fleet Management, Misc

How to Catch Cheaters: Stopping Fleet Fuel Fraud in Its Tracks

Posted by Wilmar, Inc.

You're a fleet manager with a fuel budget to stick to. But something seems off. Your vehicles are filling up more than expected, yet their mileage doesn't reflect the extra gas. What gives?

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Topics: Fleet Management

A Day in the Life of a Fleet Manager

Posted by Wilmar, Inc.

You're up before the sun rises. Another day as fleet manager for a trucking company. Your schedule is packed as you juggle managing drivers, tracking shipments, maintaining vehicles, and keeping everyone safe.

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Topics: Fleet Management, Misc

Top Fleet Management Resources for the Modern Manager

Posted by Wilmar, Inc.

As a fleet manager, you know that staying on top of industry best practices is crucial for success. But with new technologies and regulations popping up all the time, where can you find the most up-to-date resources? Don't worry; we've got you covered.

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Topics: Fleet Management, Fleet News, Misc

Overcoming the Top 5 Worst Habits of Fleet Managers

Posted by Wilmar, Inc.

You're a fleet manager working hard to keep your fleet running efficiently. But even the best managers have bad habits that hold them back. Don't worry, you're not alone!

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Topics: Fleet Management

Save Time and Money With Fleet Management

Posted by Wilmar, Inc.

You're an entrepreneur with a growing business. You've got customers lining up and your sales are increasing. But managing your fleet of vehicles is becoming a pain. You’re spending too much time keeping track of maintenance schedules, vehicle locations, fuel costs, and more.

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Topics: Fleet Management

Take Your Fleet Management Game to the Next Level

Posted by Wilmar, Inc.

You run a fleet of vehicles for your business, but managing them feels like a chaotic mess. Between maintenance, repairs, tracking, and optimizing routes, it's a juggling act you barely keep up with. What if there was a better way?

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Topics: Fleet Management

Small Business Fleet Management - 5 Easy Ways to Save Time and Money

Posted by Wilmar, Inc.

Running a small business is tough enough without wasting time and money on fleet management. But with just a few simple changes, you can streamline your transportation operations and free up resources for the important stuff - like growing your business.

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Topics: Fleet Management

Why Fleet Management Makes Sense for Small Companies

Posted by Wilmar, Inc.

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Topics: Fleet Management

Best Interview Questions for Hiring a Fleet Driver

Posted by Wilmar, Inc.

Photo by Tumisu on Pixabay

‍Are you in the process of hiring a fleet driver? Finding the right candidate for this role is crucial to the success and safety of your business operations.

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Topics: Fleet Management, Misc


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